# Advanced Description

# I. Smart Contract Fee

# 1. Who pays for the smart contract fee?

When Create Smart Contracts, Call Smart Contracts, Delete Smart Contracts, the handling fee is paid by the address at which the transaction is initiated, and the contract address itself does not pay the handling fee.

# 2. How to charge for smart contract fees, how to charge? How much does the interface caller pay? Who received these fees?

In the main chain, there are three more types of transactions, Create Smart Contracts, Call Smart Contracts, Delete Smart Contracts.

The difference between the three transactions and other transactions such as `transfer" lies in the execution of one smart contract, so the execution of smart contracts is also one of the charging standards.

  • Smart contract charging calculation method
Public static final int COMPARISON = 1;//Compare bytecode
Public static final int CONSTANT = 1;//simple numeric type bytecode
Public static final int LDC = 1; / / numeric constant, string constant (length * LDC)
Public static final int CONTROL = 5;//control bytecode
Public static final int TABLESWITCH = 2; // switch bytecode (size * TABLESWITCH)
Public static final int LOOKUPSWITCH = 2; // switch bytecode (size * LOOKUPSWITCH)
Public static final int CONVERSION = 1;//Value conversion
Public static final int EXTENDED = 1;//null
Public static final int MULTIANEWARRAY = 1;//Multidimensional array (size * MULTIANEWARRAY)
Public static final int LOAD = 1; / / send local variables to the top of the stack
Public static final int ARRAYLOAD = 5;//Send an item of the array to the top of the stack
Public static final int MATH = 1;//Mathematical operations and shift operations
Public static final int REFERENCE = 10;//object related operations
Public static final int NEWARRAY = 1;//One-dimensional array (size * NEWARRAY)
Public static final int STACK = 2; / / stack operation
Public static final int STORE = 1;//Save the value of the top of the stack to a local variable
Public static final int ARRAYSTORE = 5; / / store the value of the stack item into the array
Public static final int TRANSFER = 1000;//transfer transaction

  • One smart contract total handling fee

    The total handling fee for a contract transaction consists of three parts

    • The first part is the transaction fee generated by the transaction size, calculated according to the byte size -> 0.001nuls/kb, which is 0.001 nuls per 1000 bytes, the transaction size is less than 1000 bytes, and the charge is 0.001 nuls.

    • The second part is the GAS*Price consumed by the contract execution. Price is the unit price, which means how much Na is for each Gas, Na is the smallest unit of NULS, 1Nuls is 100 million Na.

    For example, if a contract execution consumes 20,000Gas and the set price is 30Na/Gas, then the Na consumed this time is 20000 * 30 = 600000, which is 0.006NULS

    • The third part is that the GasLimit set by the caller is not consumed by the current contract execution, and the remaining Gas will be returned by the contract GAS return transaction.

    For example, the last chestnut, the GasLimit set for the contract is 30000Gas, and the contract execution consumes 20,000Gas, then the remaining 10000Gas, the 10000Gas converted to Na is 10000 * 30 = 300000, which is 0.003NULS, then this 0.003NULS will return the contract caller in the contract GAS return transaction of the current packaged block

  • How much does the contract caller pay?

    In the contract transaction, the contract caller pays the first, second and third parts. In fact, the contract caller pays the first and second parts, because the third part will be returned to the contract call in the contract gas return transaction of the current packaged block. By

  • Who received these fees?

    The block packer receives the first and second part of the fee, and the contract caller receives the third part of the fee.

# II. how to debug smart contracts

The contract SDK provides a DebugEvent. If the contract fails to execute, you can see the data of this event. Use it to debug the contract.

# 1. Debugging way

When writing a contract, use the emit(new DebugEvent("name", "desc")) event to send it. After the contract is released, the contract method is called.

If the execution is successful, the debugEvent data will be displayed in the contract execution result.

If the execution fails, the debug event data will be displayed in the returned error data.

Note: Each time you call a contract, you can display up to 10 DebugEvents, and the excess will be ignored by the Smart Contract VM.

# 2. Contract code example

 * Example of successful call (test network)
public Object clinitTest() {
    Address temp = new Address("tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD");
    String asd = "tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD";
    Utils.emit(new DebugEvent("clinitTest log", "asd is " + asd));
    int qwe = 123;
    Utils.emit(new DebugEvent("clinitTest log 1", "temp is " + temp));
    return temp;

 * Example of call failure (test net)
public Object clinitTestRevert() {
    Address temp = new Address("tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD");
    String asd = "tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD";
    Utils.emit(new DebugEvent("clinitTest log", "asd is " + asd));
    int qwe = 123;
    Utils.emit(new DebugEvent("clinitTest log 1", "temp is " + temp));
    // failed
    return temp;

# 3. Example of execution failure

When the execution fails, the debugEvent data is displayed in the error message.

As in the above contract, we use revert("revert") in the clinitTestRevert method to make this call fail to execute, and return the DebugEvent event data if the simulation fails.

# 3.1 Error data returned by page call failure

# 3.2 NULS-API RESTFUL mode call failed error data returned


    "sender" : "tNULSeBaMiKUm9zpU1bhXeaaZt2AdLgPTs3T28",
    "gasLimit" : 200000,
    "price" : 25,
    "password" : "abc123456",
    "remark" : "remark-restful-call",
    "contractAddress" : "tNULSeBaNA416GsttuWmWJwHrgJ8KfWzVw4LQR",
    "value" : 0,
    "methodName" : "clinitTestRevert",
    "methodDesc" : null,
    "args" : null
    "success": false,
    "data": {
        "code": "err_0014",
        "msg": "contract error - revert, debugEvents: [{\"contractAddress\":\"tNULSeBaNA416GsttuWmWJwHrgJ8KfWzVw4LQR\",\"blockNumber\":201112,\"event\":\"DebugEvent\",\"payload\":{\"name\":\"clinitTest log\",\"desc\":\"asd is tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD\"}}, {\"contractAddress\":\"tNULSeBaNA416GsttuWmWJwHrgJ8KfWzVw4LQR\",\"blockNumber\":201112,\"event\":\"DebugEvent\",\"payload\":{\"name\":\"clinitTest log 1\",\"desc\":\"temp is tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD\"}}]"

# 3.3 NULS-API JSONRPC mode call failed error data returned


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1234",
    "error": {
        "code": "err_0014",
        "message": "contract error - revert, debugEvents: [{\"contractAddress\":\"tNULSeBaNA416GsttuWmWJwHrgJ8KfWzVw4LQR\",\"blockNumber\":194030,\"event\":\"DebugEvent\",\"payload\":{\"name\":\"clinitTest log\",\"desc\":\"asd is tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD\"}}, {\"contractAddress\":\"tNULSeBaNA416GsttuWmWJwHrgJ8KfWzVw4LQR\",\"blockNumber\":194030,\"event\":\"DebugEvent\",\"payload\":{\"name\":\"clinitTest log 1\",\"desc\":\"temp is tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD\"}}]",
        "data": null

# 4. Example of successful execution

In the case of successful execution, the data of the debugEvent will also be displayed in the contract execution result.


    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "flag": true,
        "data": {
            "success": true,
            "errorMessage": null,
            "contractAddress": "tNULSeBaNA416GsttuWmWJwHrgJ8KfWzVw4LQR",
            "result": "tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD",
            "gasLimit": 6081,
            "gasUsed": 4054,
            "price": 25,
            "totalFee": "252025",
            "txSizeFee": "100000",
            "actualContractFee": "101350",
            "refundFee": "50675",
            "value": "0",
            "stackTrace": null,
            "transfers": [],
            "events": [
            "debugEvents": [
                "{\"contractAddress\":\"tNULSeBaNA416GsttuWmWJwHrgJ8KfWzVw4LQR\",\"blockNumber\":194018,\"event\":\"DebugEvent\",\"payload\":{\"name\":\"clinitTest log\",\"desc\":\"asd is tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD\"}}",
                "{\"contractAddress\":\"tNULSeBaNA416GsttuWmWJwHrgJ8KfWzVw4LQR\",\"blockNumber\":194018,\"event\":\"DebugEvent\",\"payload\":{\"name\":\"clinitTest log 1\",\"desc\":\"temp is tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD\"}}"
            "tokenTransfers": [],
            "invokeRegisterCmds": [],
            "contractTxList": [],
            "remark": "call"

# III. Transaction instructions for transferring contracts to nuls assets

Ordinary account address, to the contract into the nuls, must be achieved through the `call contract' transaction

Call contract parameter list

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description Required
chainId int chain id yes
sender string Transaction Creator Account Address Yes
password string caller account password yes
value biginteger The amount of the primary network asset that the caller transferred to the contract address. If there is no such service, fill BigInteger.ZERO Yes
gasLimit long GAS Limit Yes
price long GAS unit price Yes
contractAddress string contract address yes
methodName string contract method yes
methodDesc string Contract method description, if the method in the contract is not overloaded, this parameter can be empty No
args object[] List of parameters No
remark string Transaction Notes No

# 1. Transfer to implementation

You can transfer the contract to NULS by filling in the corresponding amount in the value of the calling contract parameter.

Example of nuls-api restful request method:

  "sender" : "tNULSeBaMvEtDfvZuukDf2mVyfGo3DdiN8KLRG",
  "gasLimit" : 20000,
  "price" : 25,
  "password" : "nuls123456",
  "remark" : null,
  "contractAddress" : "tNULSeBaMx7J2im9edmmyZofHoTWW6nCTbvy3K",
  // Fill in the NULS to be transferred here, the unit is Na
  "value" : 3600000000,
  "methodName" : "transferToContractTest",
  "methodDesc" : null,
  "args" : [ "method parameter"]

In the above example, the general account tNULSeBaMvEtDfvZuukDf2mVyfGo3DdiN8KLRG transferred 36 NULS to the contract address tNULSeBaMx7J2im9edmmyZofHoTWW6nCTbvy3K.

Note: The contract method invoked must be marked with a Payable annotation, otherwise the system will directly reject the transaction.

Contract code - method implementation is as follows

 * Mark @Payable method to pass NULS amount when calling
public void transferToContractTest(String storedData) {
    // The NULS that the caller transferred to the contract, the unit is Na
    BigInteger value = Msg.value();

The contract uses the Msg.value() to get the NULS that the caller transferred to the contract. The unit is Na, as in the above code.

# IV. Contract transfers NULS out

Transaction type txType = 18

# 1. Transfer out implementation

In the contract SDK, there is a method in the Address object.

 * Contract transfers to this address
 * @param value Transfer amount (how many Na)
public native void transfer(BigInteger value);

When this method is executed within the smart contract method, the contract will transfer the corresponding asset to the specified Address, as shown in the following example:

// Instantiate an Address object based on the account address
Address recipient = new Address("NULSd6HgkSpgKw3jqgbzNZ4FPodG4LEReq8cw");
// Transfer 18 nuls to this account address

# 2. Results query

If NULS is transferred from the contract address, it will be reflected in the execution result of the contract. Each contract transfer is displayed in the transfers array object in the result. The data displayed here is only the summary information of the contract transfer transaction.

Example: The transfers array object that intercepts the contract execution result is as follows

"transfers": [
        "txHash": "4396f990e6a006ae6235b478dc43845ff0a6cc8ed9f8aefeebf22da2c4cc40be",
        "from": "NULSd6HgxKNk8JphHPWwooweisGWWRaYdXwFB",
        "value": "7300000000000",
        "outputs": [
                "to": "NULSd6HgaNEJZBt2ABKA9gt6qvRTeb6aMeToV",
                "value": "7300000000000",
                lockTime: 0
        "orginTxHash": "2b442ab01650c8848a3ad0535a28979a0cd207e84e133edc05fb391523591c57"

# 3.Complete transaction serialization data query

# Trading background

Note: This type of transaction is not included in block because it is not broadcast on the node network.

Each node that receives the smart contract transaction executes the smart contract and saves the execution result on its own node. When all the contract transactions in a block are executed, a stateRoot will be generated. This stateRoot will be in the block.Broadcast.

# inquiry mode

The complete transaction serialization data is also included in the contract execution result. The transfers array object in the result will contain the contract NULS asset transfer data generated after the execution of the contract. In addition, the prefix of 1200 in contractTxList is the serialized string of the contract NULS transfer transaction.

The following is the result of the execution of the contract nuls asset transfer transaction

via RESTFUL interface/api/contract/result/{hash}


Request data via JSONRPC interface getContractTxResult:

"params":[chainId, hash],


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": "1234",
    "result": {
        "success": true,
        "errorMessage": null,
        "contractAddress": "NULSd6HgxKNk8JphHPWwooweisGWWRaYdXwFB",
        "result": null,
        "gasLimit": 23943,
        "gasUsed": 15962,
        "price": 25,
        "totalFee": "698575",
        "txSizeFee": "100000",
        "actualContractFee": "399050",
        "refundFee": "199525",
        "value": "0",
        "stackTrace": null,
        "transfers": [
                "txHash": "4396f990e6a006ae6235b478dc43845ff0a6cc8ed9f8aefeebf22da2c4cc40be",
                "from": "NULSd6HgxKNk8JphHPWwooweisGWWRaYdXwFB",
                "value": "7300000000000",
                "outputs": [
                        "to": "NULSd6HgaNEJZBt2ABKA9gt6qvRTeb6aMeToV",
                        "value": "7300000000000",
                        "lockTime": 0
                "orginTxHash": "2b442ab01650c8848a3ad0535a28979a0cd207e84e133edc05fb391523591c57"
        "multyAssetTransfers": [],
        "events": [
        "debugEvents": [],
        "tokenTransfers": [],
        "token721Transfers": [],
        "invokeRegisterCmds": [],
        "contractTxList": [
        "remark": "call",
        "internalCreates": []

# V. Contract execution result description

# 1. Description of execution results

    "success": true, //Contract execution is successful,
    "errorMessage": null, //failure reason - string, eg. not enough gas,
    "contractAddress": "tNULSeBaN1rhd9k9eqNkvwC9HXBWLQ79dRuy81",
    "result": "multyForAddress: 888634777633",
    "gasLimit": 200000,
    "gasUsed": 20038,
    "price": 25,
    "totalFee": "5100000",
    "txSizeFee": "100000",
    "actualContractFee": "500950",
    "refundFee": "4499050",
    "value": 10000000000, //The NULS that the contract caller transferred to the contract address, 0 if there is no such service.
    "stackTrace": null, //failed exception stack information - string, execution failure does not necessarily have ,
    "transfers": [
        //This refers to the transaction information of the contract address transferred out of the main network currency (NULS), which has nothing to do with the token, has nothing to do with the token, and has nothing to do with the token. Under normal circumstances, the contract transaction of the token transfer will not have such a transaction. The following is an example. 
            "txHash": "4877f6a865dea5b4ac82a8370d73e62da15bc7acb2145a03822dddfdab329d2b",
            "from": "tNULSeBaN1rhd9k9eqNkvwC9HXBWLQ79dRuy81",
            "value": "200000000",
            "outputs": [
                    "to": "tNULSeBaMp9wC9PcWEcfesY7YmWrPfeQzkN1xL",
                    "value": "100000000"
                    "to": "tNULSeBaMshNPEnuqiDhMdSA4iNs6LMgjY6tcL",
                    "value": "100000000"
            "orginTxHash": "b5473eefecd1c70ac4276f70062a92bdbfe8f779cbe48de2d0315686cc7e6789"
    "events": [
        //Event information sent within the contract - According to the token contract standard, a contract token transfer will send a corresponding event message called TransferEvent, which supports multiple token transfer within one contract call transaction.
        //The event content structure returned is the json structure.
    "tokenTransfers": [
        //Data processing for the above token transfer event (TransferEvent), supplementing the basic information of the contract in which the token transfer occurred - name, symbol, decimals
        //Note 1: The value here is the decimal value storage value after the conversion of the contract token value, with the Ethereum token method.
        //Note 2: The contract address of the generated token transfer is not necessarily the contract currently called, so there is a contractAddress attribute in this data structure, which is not a redundant field.
            "contractAddress": "TTb1LZLo6izPGmXa9dGPmb5D2vpLpNqA",
            "from": "TTasNs8MGGGaFT9hd9DLmkammYYv69vs",
            "to": "TTau7kAxyhc4yMomVJ2QkMVECKKZK1uG",
            "value": "1000",
            "name": "a",
            "symbol": "a",
            "decimals": 8
    "invokeRegisterCmds": [
        //Contract to create consensus, call external command record
            "cmdName": "cs_createContractAgent",
            "args": {
                "contractBalance": "2030000000000",
                "commissionRate": "100",
                "chainId": 2,
                "deposit": "2000000000000",
                "contractAddress": "tNULSeBaMzZedU4D3xym1JcyNa5sqtuFku8AKm",
                "contractNonce": "0000000000000000",
                "blockTime": 1562564381,
                "packingAddress": "tNULSeBaMtEPLXxUgyfnBt9bpb5Xv84dyJV98p",
                "contractSender": "tNULSeBaMvEtDfvZuukDf2mVyfGo3DdiN8KLRG"
            "cmdRegisterMode": "NEW_TX",
            "newTxHash": "a8eae11b52990e39c9d3233ba1d2c8827336d261c0f14aca43dd4f06435dfaba"
    "contractTxList": [
        //The transaction generated after the current execution of the smart contract
    "remark": "call"

# VI. Triggering the scene of the payable method

In vm-sdk, there is such a description for Contract#payable

package io.nuls.contract.sdk;

 * Contract interface, contract class implements this interface
public interface Contract {

     * Directly transfer to the contract, this method will be triggered, the default is to do nothing, you can override this method.
     * Prerequisite: This method needs to be overloaded and marked with the `@Payable` annotation.
    default void _payable() {

     * 1. This method is triggered when the consensus node reward address is the contract address. The parameter is the block reward address detail eg. [[address, amount], [address, amount], ...]
     * 2. This method is triggered when the delegate node address is a contract address. The parameter is the contract address and the bonus amount eg. [[address, amount]]
     * Prerequisite: This method needs to be overloaded and marked with the `@Payable` annotation.
    default void _payable(String[][] args) {

mm-sdk``maven depends on the following


# 1. the official wallet transfer function, triggered when the account address is transferred to the contract address

Trigger payable() no argument method

System underlying implementation principle:

Assembled into a call contract transaction, the default call to the contract's _payable() method

# 2. the consensus node reward address is the contract address, triggered when the current node is out of the block.

Trigger _payable(String[][] args) has a parameter method, the parameter is the current block all reward address details eg. [[address, amount], [address, amount], ...]

System underlying implementation principle:

When the consensus module determines that the reward address in the CoinBase transaction has a contract address, the _payable(String[][] args) method of the contract is invoked, and the corresponding revenue amount is transferred to the contract address.

# 3. The entrusted address is the contract address, which is triggered when there is a current contract address in the block reward.

Trigger _payable(String[][] args) has a parameter method, the parameter is and is only current contract address and bonus amount (only this one element) eg. [[address, amount]]

System underlying implementation principle:

When the consensus module determines that the reward address in the CoinBase transaction has a contract address, the _payable(String[][] args) method of the contract is invoked, and the corresponding revenue amount is transferred to the contract address.

# 4. Triggered when the user directly calls the _payable() method of the contract

# Note: The _payable(String[][] args) method is a system call method that the user cannot call.

# VII. Contract Call External Command Description

public class Utils {
     * Commands that call other modules on the chain
     * @param cmdName command name
     * @param args command parameter
     * @return command returns a value (depending on the return type of the registration command, it can return a string, a string array, a two-dimensional array of strings)
    public static native Object invokeExternalCmd(String cmdName, String[] args);

# 1. The function of generating contract consensus transactions

# 1.1 Creating a consensus node

  • Command name


  • Transaction Type

    txType = 20

  • Method parameter specification

    When the contract calls this method, the parameter types passed are String type

    Name Description Type Contract Conversion String Logic Remarks
    packingAddress Package Address String AddressTool.getStringAddressByBytes(byte[]) Slightly
    deposit Margin String BigInteger - toString Slightly
    commissionRate Commission Ratio String Byte - toString Range [10,100]
  • Return value description

    Return value type is String string type

    Description String Conversion Logic
    transaction hash slightly
  • example

    // String packingAddress, BigInteger depositNa, String commissionRate
    String[] args = new String[]{packingAddress, depositNa.toString(), commissionRate};
    String txHash = (String) Utils.invokeExternalCmd("cs_createContractAgent", args);        

# 1.2 Contract delegation consensus node

  • Command name


  • Transaction Type

    txType = 21

  • Method parameter specification

    When the contract calls this method, the parameter types passed are String type

    Name Description Type Contract Conversion String Logic Remarks
    agentHash Create contract consensus node transaction hash String
    deposit trust amount String BigInteger - toString
  • Return value description

    Return value type is String string type

    Description String Conversion Logic
    transaction hash slightly
  • example

    // String agentHash, BigInteger depositNa
    String[] args = new String[]{agentHash, depositNa.toString()};
    String txHash = (String) Utils.invokeExternalCmd("cs_contractDeposit", args);       

# 1.3 Contract Exit Consensus Node

  • Command name


  • Transaction Type

    txType = 22

  • Method parameter specification

    When the contract calls this method, the parameter types passed are String type

    Name Description Type Contract Conversion String Logic Remarks
    joinAgentHash Trading when joining consensus = hash slightly slightly
  • Return value description

    Return value type is String string type

    Description String Conversion Logic
    transaction hash slightly
  • example

    // String joinAgentHash
    String[] args = new String[]{joinAgentHash};
    String txHash = (String) Utils.invokeExternalCmd("cs_contractWithdraw", args);       

# 1.4 Contract cancellation consensus node

  • Command name


  • Transaction Type

    txType = 23

  • Method parameter specification

    When the contract calls this method, the parameter types passed are String type

    No parameters

  • Return value description

    Return value type is String string type

    Description String Conversion Logic
    transaction hash slightly
  • example

    String txHash = (String) Utils.invokeExternalCmd("cs_stopContractAgent", null);      

# 2. Query consensus data

# 2.1 According to join the consensus transaction hash query delegate consensus information

  • Command name


  • Method parameter specification

    When the contract calls this method, the parameter types passed are String type

    Name Description Type Contract Conversion String Logic Remarks
    joinAgentHash Trading when joining consensus = hash slightly slightly
  • Return value description

    Return value type is String[] string array type

    index Description String Conversion Logic
    0 agentHash Slightly
    1 agentAddress AddressTool.getStringAddressByBytes(byte[])
    2 joinAddress AddressTool.getStringAddressByBytes(byte[])
    3 deposit BigInteger - toString
    4 time Long - toString
    5 blockHeight Long - toString
    6 delHeight Long - toString
    7 status(0-to-consult 1 - consensus) Integer - toString
  • example

    // String joinAgentHash
    String[] args = new String[]{joinAgentHash};
    String[] contractDepositInfo = (String[]) Utils.invokeExternalCmd("cs_getContractDepositInfo", args);  
    // Commission amount
    BigInteger deposit = new BigInteger(contractDepositInfo[3]);
    // 0 - to be consensus 1 - consensus
    String status = contractDepositInfo[7];     

# 2.2 Creating a node's transaction hash_ query node information according to _

  • Command name


  • Method parameter specification

    When the contract calls this method, the parameter types passed are String type

    Name Description Type Contract Conversion String Logic Remarks
    agentHash Create contract consensus node transaction hash String
  • Return value description

    Return value type is String[] string array type

    index Description Chinese description String conversion logic
    0 agentAddress Create node address AddressTool.getStringAddressByBytes(byte[])
    1 packingAddress Package Address AddressTool.getStringAddressByBytes(byte[])
    2 rewardAddress Reward Address AddressTool.getStringAddressByBytes(byte[])
    3 deposit Margin BigInteger - toString
    4 totalDeposit Total Delegate Amount BigInteger - toString
    5 commissionRate Commission Ratio Integer - toString
    6 time Create Node Time Long - toString
    7 blockHeight Create node height Long - toString
    8 delHeight The height of the logout node Long - toString
    9 status Status (0 - Consensus 1 - Consensus) Integer - toString
  • example

    // String agentHash
    String[] args = new String[]{agentHash};
    String[] contractAgentInfo = (String[]) Utils.invokeExternalCmd("cs_getContractAgentInfo", args);  
    // The contract node has commissioned the amount
    BigInteger totalDepositOfContractAgent = new BigInteger(contractAgentInfo[4]);
    // 0 - to be consensus 1 - consensus
    String statusOfContractAgent = contractAgentInfo[9];     

# VIII. Contract Consensus Transaction Description

The Consensus Module provides four contract-related consensus transactions. When the module starts, it registers with the contract module to create four contract consensus transactions, so that the contract module can be called, so that it can create and cancel the consensus node, delegate and cancel the delegation consensus. node

# 1. Generate contract consensus transactions

# 1.1 Creating a consensus node

  • Original parameter list

    Create consensus node address, consensus reward address fixed to current contract address

    Name Description Type Optional Remarks
    packingAddress package address byte[] y method call required
    deposit margin BigInteger yes method call required
    commissionRate commission ratio byte yes method call required - range [10,100]
    agentAddress Create Node Address byte[] No The underlying default is current contract address
    rewardAddress Reward Address byte[] No The underlying default is current contract address
  • registration message

    Consensus module registration command information for the contract consensus node registered with the smart contract module

    Module Code cmd Name Registration Type Parameter Name List Return Value Type Remarks
    consensus cs_createContractAgent 0(NEW_TX) List.of("packingAddress","deposit","commissionRate") 1(STRING_ARRAY) Create Consensus Node
  • Transaction Type

    txType = 20

  • Method parameter specification

    When the contract calls this method, the parameter types passed are String type

    When calling this method, the consensus module will receive the following parameters for this command

    Name Description Type Contract Conversion String Logic Remarks
    packingAddress Package Address String AddressTool.getStringAddressByBytes(byte[]) Slightly
    deposit Margin String BigInteger - toString Slightly
    commissionRate Commission Ratio String Byte - toString Range [10,100]
    chainId current chain ID int - lower layer provides parameters
    contractAddress Contract Address String AddressTool.getStringAddressByBytes(byte[]) The underlying provides parameters
    contractSender Contract caller address String AddressTool.getStringAddressByBytes(byte[]) The underlying provides parameters
    contractBalance Current balance of contract address String BigInteger -toString Bottom providing parameters - use this value to check balance when generating transactions
    contractNonce The current nonce value of the contract address String RPCUtil.encode(byte[]) The underlying provides the parameters - use this nonce to assemble the transaction when generating the transaction
    blockTime currently packaged block time long - lower layer provides parameters - use this as transaction time when generating transactions
  • Return value description

    • The smart contract virtual machine receives the String[] string array type

      index Description String Conversion Logic
      0 Trading hash Slightly
      1 Transaction Serialization String RPCUtil.encode(byte[])
    • The caller receives a String string type

      Description String Conversion Logic
      transaction hash slightly

# 1.2 Contract delegation consensus node

  • original parameters

    Delegation Address is fixed to current contract address

    Name Description Type Optional Remarks
    agentHash Create contract consensus node transaction hash String Yes Method call required
    deposit dealer amount BigInteger yes method call required
    address trust address byte[] no The underlying default is current contract address
  • registration message

    Consensus module registration command information for the contract creation consensus node registered with the smart contract module

    Module Code cmd Name Registration Type Parameter Name List Return Value Type Remarks
    consensus cs_contractDeposit 0(NEW_TX) List.of("agentHash","deposit") 1(STRING_ARRAY) Delegate Consensus Node
  • Transaction Type

    txType = 21

  • Method parameter specification

    When the contract calls this method, the parameter types passed are String type

    When calling this method, the consensus module will receive the following parameters for this command

    Name Description Type Contract Conversion String Logic Remarks
    agentHash Create contract consensus node transaction hash String
    deposit trust amount String BigInteger - toString
    chainId current chain ID int - lower layer provides parameters
    contractAddress Contract Address String AddressTool.getStringAddressByBytes(byte[]) The underlying provides parameters
    contractSender Contract caller address String AddressTool.getStringAddressByBytes(byte[]) The underlying provides parameters
    contractBalance Current balance of contract address String BigInteger - toString Bottom providing parameters - use this value to check balance when generating transactions
    contractNonce The current nonce value of the contract address String RPCUtil.encode(byte[]) The underlying provides the parameters - use this nonce to assemble the transaction when generating the transaction
    blockTime currently packaged block time long - lower layer provides parameters - use this as transaction time when generating transactions
  • Return value description

    • The smart contract virtual machine receives the String[] string array type

      index Description String Conversion Logic
      0 Trading hash Slightly
      1 Transaction Serialization String RPCUtil.encode(byte[])
    • The caller receives a String string type

      Description String Conversion Logic
      transaction hash slightly

# 1.3 Contract Exit Consensus Node

  • original parameters

    Create node's address is fixed to current contract address

    Name Description Type Optional Remarks
    joinAgentHash Transaction hash when joining consensus String Yes Method call required
    agentAddress Create node address byte[] No The underlying default is current contract address
  • registration message

    Consensus module registration contract information registered with the smart contract module to exit the consensus node

    Module Code cmd Name Registration Type Parameter Name List Return Value Type Remarks
    consensus cs_contractWithdraw 0(NEW_TX) List.of("joinAgentHash") 1(STRING_ARRAY) Exit the delegate consensus node
  • Transaction Type

    txType = 22

  • Method parameter specification

    When the contract calls this method, the parameter types passed are String type

    When calling this method, the consensus module will receive the following parameters for this command

    Name Description Type Contract Conversion String Logic Remarks
    joinAgentHash Trading when joining consensus = hash slightly slightly
    chainId current chain ID int - lower layer provides parameters
    contractAddress Contract Address String AddressTool.getStringAddressByBytes(byte[]) The underlying provides parameters
    contractSender Contract caller address String AddressTool.getStringAddressByBytes(byte[]) The underlying provides parameters
    blockTime currently packaged block time long - lower layer provides parameters - use this as transaction time when generating transactions
  • Return value description

    • The smart contract virtual machine receives the String[] string array type

      index Description String Conversion Logic
      0 Trading hash Slightly
      1 Transaction Serialization String RPCUtil.encode(byte[])
    • The caller receives a String string type

      Description String Conversion Logic
      transaction hash slightly

# 1.4 Contract cancellation consensus node

  • original parameters

    Create node's address is fixed to current contract address

    Name Description Type Optional Remarks
    agentAddress Create node address byte[] No The underlying default is current contract address
  • registration message

    Consultation module registration contract cancellation agreement node transaction command information registered with the smart contract module

    Module Code cmd Name Registration Type Parameter Name List Return Value Type Remarks
    consensus cs_stopContractAgent 0(NEW_TX) empty list 1(STRING_ARRAY) Logout Consensus Node
  • Transaction Type

    txType = 23

  • Method parameter specification

    When the contract calls this method, the parameter types passed are String type

    When calling this method, the consensus module will receive the following parameters for this command

    Name Description Type Contract Conversion String Logic Remarks
    chainId current chain ID int - lower layer provides parameters
    contractAddress Contract Address String AddressTool.getStringAddressByBytes(byte[]) The underlying provides parameters
    contractSender Contract caller address String AddressTool.getStringAddressByBytes(byte[]) The underlying provides parameters
    blockTime currently packaged block time long - lower layer provides parameters - use this as transaction time when generating transactions
  • Return value description

    • The smart contract virtual machine receives the String[] string array type

      index Description String Conversion Logic
      0 Trading hash Slightly
      1 Transaction Serialization String RPCUtil.encode(byte[])
    • The caller receives a String string type

      Description String Conversion Logic
      transaction hash slightly

# 2. How to obtain contract consensus transaction data

Contract consensus transactions are not signed, and such transactions are generated when each node verifies the block. In addition, such transactions are not in the scope of broadcast data, and need to be retrieved from another interface. Please refer to the following interface for detailed data** To get the _serialized string_data of the transaction.

The following is the result of the execution of the contract internal transfer transaction.

via RESTFUL interface/api/contract/result/{hash}


Request data via JSONRPC interface getContractTxResult:

"params":[chainId, hash],

Get the execution result of the contract

In the following results, contractTxList is the transaction generated after the execution of this contract. Note: This structure is not limited to contract consensus transactions, and different contract internal transactions will be generated according to different business, such as contract NULS asset transfer transaction-- > Smart Contract NULS Asset Transfer Transaction Instructions

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "flag": true,
        "data": {
            "success" : true,
            "errorMessage" : null,
            "contractAddress" : "tNULSeBaNBdmatSnyhbgwm2gdkJHzKtpR2nGbQ",
            "result" : null,
            "gasLimit" : 200000,
            "gasUsed" : 13766,
            "price" : 25,
            "totalFee" : "5100000",
            "txSizeFee" : "100000",
            "actualContractFee" : "344150",
            "refundFee" : "4655850",
            "value" : "2000000000000",
            "stackTrace" : null,
            "transfers" : [ ],
            "events" : [ ],
            "tokenTransfers" : [ ],
            "invokeRegisterCmds" : [ {
              "cmdName" : "cs_createContractAgent",
              "args" : {
                "contractBalance" : "2000000000000",
                "commissionRate" : "100",
                "chainId" : 2,
                "deposit" : "2000000000000",
                "contractAddress" : "tNULSeBaNBdmatSnyhbgwm2gdkJHzKtpR2nGbQ",
                "contractNonce" : "0000000000000000",
                "blockTime" : 1562930111,
                "packingAddress" : "tNULSeBaMtEPLXxUgyfnBt9bpb5Xv84dyJV98p",
                "contractSender" : "tNULSeBaMvEtDfvZuukDf2mVyfGo3DdiN8KLRG"
              "cmdRegisterMode" : "NEW_TX",
              "newTxHash" : "6278df86951ef140b98a57a27ff764453ae437d8aea2888ded886eb70ee11348"
            } ],
            "contractTxList" : [ 
            "remark" : "call"
Last Updated: 8/1/2022, 4:43:14 PM