Network module

# Why should I have "Network Module"?

The network module guarantees the communication between the decentralized nodes and provides the lowest level of network communication, node discovery and other services for one of the NULS basic modules.The network foundation of the blockchain is Peer to Peer, or P2P.All participants in the P2P network can be either a service server or a resource user.Features of P2P networks: decentralization, scalability, robustness, cost-effectiveness, privacy protection, and load balancing.

# "Network Module" What to do

The network module is the basic module of the entire system, which is used to manage the connection between nodes, nodes and connections, and the transmission and reception of data.Network modules do not involve complex business logic.

  • Received network messages, according to the instruction service mapping relationship in the kernel module, push the corresponding processing module of the message.

  • The open interface is used to push the message calls encapsulated by other modules to the specified peer node and broadcast to the specified network group.

# "Network Module" positioning in the system

  • The network module is the underlying application module. Any module that needs network communication must send and receive messages through the network module.
  • The network module relies on the core module for governance of the service interface.
  • The network module builds different networks by network id (magic parameter).
  • When the nodes of the network module in the satellite chain are building a cross-chain network, the chain management module is required to provide cross-chain configuration information.
  • When a node in a sub-chain of a network module is configured for a cross-chain network, cross-chain configuration information is required for the cross-chain module.

# Module Configuration

#Maximum number of network connections
#Maximum number of outgoing connections

# Interface List

# nw_info

Get basic information about the node network

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description Is Not Empty
chainId int Linked chain Id, value range [1-65535] Yes

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
localBestHeight long local node block height
netBestHeight long Network Node Block Height
timeOffset long Difference between node and network time
inCount integer Most Server, peer access quantity
outCount integer Number of external servers connected as client

# nw_nodes

Get network connection node information

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description Is Not Empty
chainId int Linked chain Id, value range [1-65535] Yes

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
peer string peer node ID
blockHeight long Node Height
blockHash string Node Hash

# nw_currentTimeMillis

Get node network time

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

No parameters

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
currentTimeMillis long Time milliseconds - currentTimeMillis

# nw_delNodes

Delete node group node

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description Is Not Empty
chainId int Linked chain Id, value range [1-65535] Yes
nodes string node group ID, comma stitching Yes

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
N/A void No specific return value, no error is successful

# nw_addNodes

Increase the node to be connected

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description Is Not Empty
chainId int Linked chain Id, value range [1-65535] Yes
isCross int 1 cross-chain connection, 0 normal connection Yes
nodes string node group ID, comma stitching Yes

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
N/A void No specific return value, no error is successful

# nw_getNodes

Paging view connection node information, when both startPage and pageSize are 0, no paging, return all node information

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description Is Not Empty
chainId int Linked chain Id, value range [1-65535] Yes
state int 0: all connections, 1: connected 2: not connected yes
isCross boolean false: non-cross-chain connection, true: cross-chain connection Yes
startPage int Page Start Pages Yes
pageSize int Number of pages per page Yes

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
chainId int Chain ID
nodeId string node ID
magicNumber long Network Magic Parameters
blockHeight long peer node block height
blockHash string peer latest block hash
ip string peer connection IP address
port int peer connection port number
state int 0: Unfinished handshake 1: Connection completed handshake
isOut int 0: Incoming network connection 1: Outbound connection
time long connection time milliseconds

# nw_updateNodeInfo

Update connection node information

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description Is Not Empty
chainId int Linked chain Id, value range [1-65535] Yes
nodeId string Connection Node ID Yes
blockHeight long Block Height Yes
blockHash string Block hash value Yes

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
N/A void No specific return value, no error is successful

# protocolRegisterWithPriority

Module protocol instruction registration with priority parameters

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description Is Not Empty
role string module role name yes
protocolCmds list Registered Instruction List Yes
        cmd string Protocol Instruction Name, 12byte Yes
        priority string Priority, 3 levels, HIGH, DEFAULT, LOWER Yes

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
N/A void No specific return value, no error is successful

# nw_protocolRegister

Module protocol instruction registration

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description Is Not Empty
role string module role name yes
protocolCmds list<string> Registered Instruction List Yes

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
N/A void No specific return value, no error is successful

# nw_sendPeersMsg

Send a message to the specified node

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description Is Not Empty
chainId int Linked chain Id, value range [1-65535] Yes
nodes string Specifies the string to send the peer node Id, comma-separated Yes
messageBody string Message Body Hex Yes
command string message protocol directive yes

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
N/A void No specific return value, no error is successful

# nw_broadcast

Broadcast message

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description Is Not Empty
chainId int Linked chain Id, value range [1-65535] Yes
excludeNodes string Exclude peer node Id, separated by commas Yes
messageBody string Message Body Hex Yes
command string message protocol directive yes
isCross boolean Whether it is a cross-chain Yes
percent int Broadcast transmission ratio, do not fill, default 100 Yes

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
value boolean Returns false if none of the nodes are sent out

# nw_createNodeGroup

The main network creates a cross-chain network or chain factory creation chain

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description Is Not Empty
chainId int Linked chain Id, value range [1-65535] Yes
magicNumber long Network Magic Parameters Yes
maxOut int The number of active external connections as the client Yes
maxIn int Allows the maximum number of external connections as sever Yes
minAvailableCount int Minimum valid connections Yes
isCrossGroup boolean Whether to create a cross-chain connection group: true cross-chain connection, false normal connection Yes

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
N/A void No specific return value, no error is successful

# nw_activeCross

Cross-chain protocol module activation cross-chain

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description Is Not Empty
chainId int Linked chain Id, value range [1-65535] Yes
maxOut string The number of active external connections as the client Yes
maxIn int Allows the maximum number of external connections as sever Yes
seedIps string seed connection node ID, comma stitched yes

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
N/A void No specific return value, no error is successful

# nw_getGroupByChainId

Get node group information

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description Is Not Empty
chainId int Linked chain Id, value range [1-65535] Yes

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
chainId int Chain ID
magicNumber long Network Magic Parameters
totalCount int Total connections
ConnectCount int Number of connected nodes on the local network
disConnectCount int Number of nodes to be connected to the local network
inCount int Number of nodes connected to the local network
outCount int Number of nodes connected to the local network
connectCrossCount int Number of nodes connected across the chain
disConnectCrossCount int Number of nodes to be connected in a cross-chain network
inCrossCount int Number of nodes in the cross-chain network
outCrossCount int Number of outgoing nodes in a cross-chain network
isActive int Whether the local network is working
isCrossActive int Cross-chain network is working
isMoonNet int Is the network group the primary network link node

# nw_getChainConnectAmount

Get the number of connectable network groups

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description Is Not Empty
chainId int Linked chain Id, value range [1-65535] Yes
isCross boolean true, get the number of cross-chain connections, false local network connections Yes

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
connectAmount integer connectables

# nw_delNodeGroup

Delete the specified network group

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description Is Not Empty
chainId int Linked chain Id, value range [1-65535] Yes

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
N/A void No specific return value, no error is successful

# nw_getSeeds

View the seed nodes provided by the cross-chain network

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

No parameters

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
seedsIps string The seed node ID of the main network connectable, comma stitching

# nw_getMainMagicNumber

View the magic parameters of the main network

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

No parameters

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
value long main network magic parameters

# nw_getGroups

Pagination to obtain network group information, when both startPage and pageSize are 0, no paging, return all network group information

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description Is Not Empty
startPage int Start Pages Yes
pageSize int Number of impressions per page Yes

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
chainId int Chain ID
magicNumber long Network Magic Parameters
totalCount int Total connections
ConnectCount int Number of connected nodes on the local network
disConnectCount int Number of nodes to be connected to the local network
inCount int Number of nodes connected to the local network
outCount int Number of nodes connected to the local network
connectCrossCount int Number of nodes connected across the chain
disConnectCrossCount int Number of nodes to be connected in a cross-chain network
inCrossCount int Number of nodes in the cross-chain network
outCrossCount int Number of outgoing nodes in a cross-chain network
isActive int Whether the local network is working
isCrossActive int Cross-chain network is working
isMoonNet int Is the network group the primary network link node

# nw_reconnect

Local network restart

# scope:public

# version:1.0

# parameter list

Parameter Name Parameter Type Parameter Description Is Not Empty
chainId int Network Chain Id, Value Range [1-65535] Yes

# return value

Field Name Field Type Parameter Description
N/A void No specific return value, no error is successful
Last Updated: 9/5/2019, 4:50:57 PM