# Linux CLI Usage Guide

# Introduction

This section is a guide for the use of the full node wallet for the Linux version, it will show how to create accounts, import accounts, transfer, and create nodes or stake, etc. It's assumed you have at least basic skills administering Linux operating systems which is the recommended system to create stable NULS nodes.

# Version History

Versions Date Contents
V0.9.0 2018-03-18 Alpha
V0.9.1 2019-07-08 Beta
V1.0.0 2019-09-08 Mainnet

# Preparation

# Server Hardware Configuration

Minimum requirements:

CPU Memory Disk space Bandwidth
4-Core 3.0 GHz 16GB 256GB 20Mbps uplink

Recommended requirements:

CPU Memory Disk space Bandwidth
8-core 3.0 GHz 32GB 256GB 100Mbps uplink

# System and Kernel Version

Linux system

  • CentOS 6, 7

The Linux kernel version is recommended to use 2.6.32 and above

# Get Started

# Download

  • Access NULS official website for the latest version of full node wallet: http://nuls.io/wallet.com; GitHub link: https://github.com/nuls-io/nuls-wallet-release
  • After entering the interface of NULS official wallet download, select Linux version. MEGA and Baidu Cloud Disk are available for your choice.

To download Beta wallet using a Linux system, you can type the following command:

  $wget http://nuls-usa-west.oss-us-west-1.aliyuncs.com/2.0/NULS-Wallet-linux64-beta1-main.tar.gz

Note: the download address may be different if there are subsequent versions.

# Installation

  • Extract the downloaded file in Linux:
  $ tar -zxf NULS-Wallet-linux64-beta1-main.tar.gz

# Run

  • Enter the extracted directory and run the boot script to start the full node wallet
  $ cd NULS-Wallet-linux64-beta1
  $ ./start

# Use Wallet

# Quick Start

  • After confirming that the wallet has been started, execute the command line program to operate the wallet.

Enter the cmdclient/1.0.0 directory and execute the following command:

  $ cd cmdclient/1.0.0
  $ ./cmd.sh

At this point, you can see the input prompt nuls>>>, now you can directly type NULS commands to operate the wallet. For example, to create an account you should type the following command:

  nuls>>> create
  Please enter the new password(8-20 characters, the combination of letters and numbers).
  Enter your password:*********
  Please confirm new password:*********      
  [ "tNULSeBaMjxVA6QijNXjEf3RYxwTbTLSqXvpa8" ]

Command create generates a single account, next enter your password and confirm the new password. If successful, the address of the account will be returned.

# Conventions

  • Password rules: password length varies from 8 to 20 and must contain both letters and digits.
  • Command parameter description: < Parameter> required parameter. [parameter] optional parameter. " |" means 'or' logical operator, namely you can choose either the previous parameter or the latter.

# Wallet Commands

# Help Command

Print all valid commands,

  • command: help [-a]|[group]|[command]
Parameter Description
-a format the printed command, optional
command view instructions for the specific command
group view all instructions for the commands in the specific command group

Return: help

getaccount <address> --get account information

Return: help -a

getaccount <address> --get account information
    <address> the account address - Required


nuls>>> help
nuls>>> help -a
nuls>>> help account
nuls>>> help create

# Create an Account

Create an account and return the set of account addresses

  • command: create [number]
Parameter Description
[number] the number of accounts you want to create, optional

When creating an account, you are required to enter the password for the account. A password must be set to ensure the security of the assets.

Return: accounts set

[ "tNULSeBaMmhBVJnJqcB7S7gKsPEoikZo2W89pm", "tNULSeBaMhUKHmueWB1h87vpWr62vrAjPshwTs", "tNULSeBaMvXiStrcQc4SF3rWGS8fyPqhUQXoS4" ]


Create a single account

nuls>>> create 
Please enter the new password(8-20 characters, the combination of letters and numbers).
Enter your new password:**********
Please confirm new password:**********
[ "tNULSeBaMjxVA6QijNXjEf3RYxwTbTLSqXvpa8" ]

Create multiple accounts at once

nuls>>> create 3
Please enter the new password(8-20 characters, the combination of letters and numbers).
Enter your new password:**********
Please confirm new password:**********
[ "tNULSeBaMmhBVJnJqcB7S7gKsPEoikZo2W89pm", "tNULSeBaMhUKHmueWB1h87vpWr62vrAjPshwTs", "tNULSeBaMvXiStrcQc4SF3rWGS8fyPqhUQXoS4" ]

# Back Up Account

To back up an account, a file named as the account address with the extension .keystore is generated, which is the backup file for the account

  • command: backup <address> [path]
Parameter Description
<address> account address, required
[path] the directory where the generated backup file is included, current directory by default, optional


The path to the backup file is /home/nuls2/nuls-v2/tNULSeBaMmhBVJnJqcB7S7gKsPEoikZo2W89pm.keystore

Example: backup an account with a password

  nuls>>> backup tNULSeBaMmhBVJnJqcB7S7gKsPEoikZo2W89pm /home/nuls2/nuls-v2/NULS-Wallet-linux64-beta1
  Please enter the password.
  Enter your password:********
  The path to the backup file is /home/nuls2/nuls-v2/tNULSeBaMmhBVJnJqcB7S7gKsPEoikZo2W89pm.keystore

# Remove Account

Enter the password to remove a local account based on the account address

  • command: remove <address>
Parameter Description
<address> account address, required




nuls>>> remove tNULSeBaMhUKHmueWB1h87vpWr62vrAjPshwTs
Please enter the password.
Enter your password:********

# Modify Account Password

Set a new password according to the account address and password.

  • command:resetpwd <address>
Parameter Description
<address> account address, required




nuls>>> resetpwd tNULSeBaMvXiStrcQc4SF3rWGS8fyPqhUQXoS4
Enter your old password:********
Enter new password*********
Please confirm new password:*********

# Set Alias

Set an alias to the account. If a node is created with this account, its alias will be displayed as the node source

  • command: setalias <address> <alias>
Parameter Description
<address> account address, required
<alias> alias name, required

Return: transaction hash



nuls>>> setalias tNULSeBaMjxVA6QijNXjEf3RYxwTbTLSqXvpa8 nuls
Enter your account password**********

# Import Account Keystore

Import the account keystore file to recover a local account. The operation is not executed if the local account already exists locally.

  • command: importkeystore <path>
Parameter Description
<path> path of the keystore file to be imported, required

Note: the original password is required to import the keystore file and recover the account

Return: address of the imported account



nuls>>>importkeystore /home/nuls2/nuls-v2/tNULSeBaMjxVA6QijNXjEf3RYxwTbTLSqXvpa8.keystore
Please enter the password (password is between 8 and 20 inclusive of numbers and letters), If you do not want to set a password, return directly.
Enter your password:**********

# Import Account Private Key

Import the account private key to generate a local account, overwritten if the local account already exists. You are required to set a password for the account when importing. This function can be used to retrieve the account through the private key if you forget the account password.

  • command: import <privatekey>
Parameter Description
<privatekey> account's private key, required


nuls>>> import 74ca3facb66e5e9f2b78e86507d1f36cf601bc3de1d5f5e5b515c4f995d53873
Please enter the password (password is between 8 and 20 inclusive of numbers and letters), If you do not want to set a password, return directly.
Enter your password:********
Please confirm new password:********

# Query Account Information

Query account information with the account address

  • command: getaccount <address>
Parameter Description
<address> account address, required


  "encryptedPrikeyHex" : "724d68268849f3680d480c9257f33229c0fac88890d5355c0e4d9c457af5c6e8b8f9f7ca9fd52fbd8079fbce1782052d",  // the encrypted private key
  "alias" : "zlj",  // alias
  "balance" : {  
    "freeze" : 0,   // frozen assets 
    "total" : 997999999800000,     // total assets
    "available" : 997999999800000  // usable assets 
  "address" : "5MR_2CeG11nRqx7nGNeh8hTXADibqfSYeNu",  // account address
  "pubkeyHex" : "0211c45f28710cd26a2c45fb790895a0ff2e095a290f1825b31d80ebc30913c486" //public key


nuls>>> getaccount 5MR_2CeG11nRqx7nGNeh8hTXADibqfSYeNu
  "encryptedPrikeyHex" : "724d68268849f3680d480c9257f33229c0fac88890d5355c0e4d9c457af5c6e8b8f9f7ca9fd52fbd8079fbce1782052d",  //encrypted private key 
  "alias" : "zlj",  //alias
  "balance" : {  
    "freeze" : 0,   // frozen assets
    "total" : 997999999800000,     // total assets
    "available" : 997999999800000  // usable assets
  "address" : "5MR_2CeG11nRqx7nGNeh8hTXADibqfSYeNu",  // account address
  "pubkeyHex" : "0211c45f28710cd26a2c45fb790895a0ff2e095a290f1825b31d80ebc30913c486" // encrypted public key 

# Query Account List

Query the account list with the paging parameters and return all accounts in descending order by creation time.

  • command: getaccounts <pageNumber> <pageSize>
Parameter Description
<pageNumber> page number indicating the page to query, required
<pageSize> number of rows displayed per page, required

Return: accounts set

[ {
  "address" : "5MR_2CeG11nRqx7nGNeh8hTXADibqfSYeNu",  //address
  "alias" : null,  //alias
  "pubkeyHex" : "0211c45f28710cd26a2c45fb790895a0ff2e095a290f1825b31d80ebc30913c486",  //public key
  "encryptedPrikeyHex" : "724d68268849f3680d480c9257f33229c0fac88890d5355c0e4d9c457af5c6e8b8f9f7ca9fd52fbd8079fbce1782052d"  //private key
}, {
  "address" : "5MR_2CetN1KeWAVsaUsqD7JwMBwjGuRGpGW",
  "alias" : null,
  "pubkeyHex" : "0205a70731e7653eca328ba7d71f0a789f8cfb1ced32f5a00d4fc3fb2ad8b9f7c1",
  "encryptedPrikeyHex" : "e38d2dd08154a0eedf8298f5fe50b86723e521522f38aba5c68072bad365c3e8c57d7ac3ae83f8d646a17f845a38bc57"
}, {
  "address" : "5MR_2CXrzwoCoP4vnUxHJ5gdUUXZJhCpjq9",
  "alias" : "zlj",
  "pubkeyHex" : "03021a46a7e5ea59ae8884340568e9e79511fbd352b4ba28db39f15856918cdbeb",
  "encryptedPrikeyHex" : "bfbfdad874f74215e241ad15152d8648925c497b6a826965f5c06c46fd9b008313e6918ebcfcb56f2cdf8d1b9f088f77"
} ]

Example: get all accounts list

nuls>>> getaccounts
[ {
  "address" : "5MR_2CeG11nRqx7nGNeh8hTXADibqfSYeNu",  //address
  "alias" : null,  //alias
  "pubkeyHex" : "0211c45f28710cd26a2c45fb790895a0ff2e095a290f1825b31d80ebc30913c486",  //encrypted public key
  "encryptedPrikeyHex" : "724d68268849f3680d480c9257f33229c0fac88890d5355c0e4d9c457af5c6e8b8f9f7ca9fd52fbd8079fbce1782052d"  //encrypted private key
}, {
  "address" : "5MR_2CetN1KeWAVsaUsqD7JwMBwjGuRGpGW",
  "alias" : null,
  "pubkeyHex" : "0205a70731e7653eca328ba7d71f0a789f8cfb1ced32f5a00d4fc3fb2ad8b9f7c1",
  "encryptedPrikeyHex" : "e38d2dd08154a0eedf8298f5fe50b86723e521522f38aba5c68072bad365c3e8c57d7ac3ae83f8d646a17f845a38bc57"
}, {
  "address" : "5MR_2CXrzwoCoP4vnUxHJ5gdUUXZJhCpjq9",
  "alias" : "zlj",
  "pubkeyHex" : "03021a46a7e5ea59ae8884340568e9e79511fbd352b4ba28db39f15856918cdbeb",
  "encryptedPrikeyHex" : "bfbfdad874f74215e241ad15152d8648925c497b6a826965f5c06c46fd9b008313e6918ebcfcb56f2cdf8d1b9f088f77"
} ]

# Query Account's Private Key

Query the account’s private key with the account address and password

  • command: getprikey <address>
Parameter Description
<address> account address, required

Return: the private key of the imported account (unencrypted)



nuls>>> getprikey 5MR_2CXrzwoCoP4vnUxHJ5gdUUXZJhCpjq9
Enter your account password**********

# Query Account Balance

Query account balance with the account address

  • command: getbalance <address>
Parameter Description
<address> account address, required

Return: the address of the imported account

"total": "9999998.99",// balance
"freeze": "0", // locked balance
"available": "9999998.99"// usable balance


nuls>>> getbalance Nse2TpVsJd4gLoj79MAY8NHwEsYuXwtT
  "total" : "9999998.99",
  "freeze" : "0",
  "available" : "9999998.99"

# Transfer

Transfer NULS to the specific account with the account address

  • command:transfer <formAddress>|<formAlias> <toAddress>|<toAlias> <amount> [remark]
Parameter Description
<fromAddress> sender address(Select any item with the fromAlias)
<fromAlias> sender address alias(Select any item with the fromAddress)
<toAddress> receiver address(Select any item with the toAlias)
<toAlias> receiver address(Select any item with the toAddress)
<amount> transfer amount, required
[remark] remark, optional

Return: transfer transaction hash



nuls>>> transfer Nse2TpVsJd4gLoj79MAY8NHwEsYuXwtT NsdtmV5XkgSdpBXi65ueTsrv2W5beV2T 100 transfer
Please enter the password.
Enter your password: *********

# Query Transaction Details

Query the transaction details with the transaction hash

  • command: gettx <hash>
Parameter Description
<hash> transaction hash, optional

Return: transaction details

  "type" : 2,  //transaction type (refer to the table below for Enumeration type description [Enumeration type])
  "txData" : null,
  "time" : 1552979783918,
  "transactionSignature" : "IQIRxF8ocQzSaixF+3kIlaD/LglaKQ8YJbMdgOvDCRPEhgBGMEQCICdnNr3HqEg/UZZ6RLBHyGuPChoLdMtcOHXT3Xlb5SC3AiBGAWSPGH3yjtEkaVbLsI5n9UcqDvOfG3Ui1jf672IDCg==",
  "remark" : "6L2s6LSm",
  "hash" : {
    "digestAlgType" : 0,
    "digestBytes" : "CivAIHpVyqNr/h87/FWk7vXsXqBekHJ+3kQc5mZp+H8=", 
    "digestHex" : "00200a2bc0207a55caa36bfe1f3bfc55a4eef5ec5ea05e90727ede441ce66669f87f" 
  "blockHeight" : 341,   //block height
  "status" : "CONFIRMED",  //confirmation state
  "size" : 225,
  "inBlockIndex" : 0,
  "coinDataInstance" : {  
    "from" : [ {
      "address" : "OTABmAU91zVafgSLoRrxnHo7k3r/Azg=",
      "assetsChainId" : 12345,
      "assetsId" : 1,
      "amount" : 100100000,
      "nonce" : "79acNPim+aw=",
      "locked" : 0
    } ],
    "to" : [ {
      "address" : "OTABL/80LO1f8vxvfNXc5l9eeIDTGKM=",
      "assetsChainId" : 12345,
      "assetsId" : 1,
      "amount" : 100000000,
      "lockTime" : 0
    } ]
  "fee" : 100000,  //fee
  "multiSignTx" : false

Example: query transfer transaction

nuls>>> gettx 00200a2bc0207a55caa36bfe1f3bfc55a4eef5ec5ea05e90727ede441ce66669f87f
  "type" : 2,  //transaction type (refer to the table below for Enumeration type description [Enumeration type])
  "txData" : null,
  "time" : 1552979783918,
  "transactionSignature" : "IQIRxF8ocQzSaixF+3kIlaD/LglaKQ8YJbMdgOvDCRPEhgBGMEQCICdnNr3HqEg/UZZ6RLBHyGuPChoLdMtcOHXT3Xlb5SC3AiBGAWSPGH3yjtEkaVbLsI5n9UcqDvOfG3Ui1jf672IDCg==",
  "remark" : "6L2s6LSm",
  "hash" : {
    "digestAlgType" : 0,
    "digestBytes" : "CivAIHpVyqNr/h87/FWk7vXsXqBekHJ+3kQc5mZp+H8=", 
    "digestHex" : "00200a2bc0207a55caa36bfe1f3bfc55a4eef5ec5ea05e90727ede441ce66669f87f" 
  "blockHeight" : 341,   //block height
  "status" : "CONFIRMED",  //confirmation state
  "size" : 225,
  "inBlockIndex" : 0,
  "coinDataInstance" : {  
    "from" : [ {
      "address" : "OTABmAU91zVafgSLoRrxnHo7k3r/Azg=",
      "assetsChainId" : 12345,
      "assetsId" : 1,
      "amount" : 100100000,
      "nonce" : "79acNPim+aw=",
      "locked" : 0
    } ],
    "to" : [ {
      "address" : "OTABL/80LO1f8vxvfNXc5l9eeIDTGKM=",
      "assetsChainId" : 12345,
      "assetsId" : 1,
      "amount" : 100000000,
      "lockTime" : 0
    } ]
  "fee" : 100000,  //fee
  "multiSignTx" : false

# Enumeration Type Description

/** coinbase transaction*/
    int TX_TYPE_COINBASE = 1;
    /** transfer */
    int TX_TYPE_TRANSFER = 2;
    /** set alias */
    int TX_TYPE_ALIAS = 3;
    /** create consensus node */
    /** agent (join consensus) */
    /** cancel agent (cancel consensus)*/
    /** yellow punish */
    /** red punish */
    int TX_TYPE_RED_PUNISH = 8;
    /** stop node (stop consensus node)*/
    int TX_TYPE_STOP_AGENT = 9;
    /** cross-chain transfer */
    /** register chain */
    /** destroy chain*/
    /** add asset to chain*/
    /** remove asset from chain*/
    /** create contract */
    /** call contract */
    int TX_TYPE_CALL_CONTRACT = 101;
    /** delete contract*/

# Transfer Using Account Alias

Transfer to an external address with an account alias

  • command: transfer <address> <toAddress> <amount> [remark]
Parameter Description
<address> sender address, required
<toAddress> receiver address, required
<amount> transfer amount, required
[remark] remark, optional

Return: transaction hash


Example: transfer 10,000 NULS to external address through alias "zlj"

nuls>>> transfer zlj 5MR_2CeG11nRqx7nGNeh8hTXADibqfSYeNu 10000
Enter your account password**********

# Create Agent Node

To create an agent node, two addresses are required, the first one is the node address, on which you need to provide the password for the node account, the other is the package address, and no password is required. Meanwhile, you’re required to offer no less than 20,000 NULS as a deposit.

  • command: createagent <agentAddress> <packingAddress> <commissionRate> <deposit>
Parameter Description
<agentAddress> account address to create a node, required
<packingAddress> account address of the packaging node, required (note: the account should be password-less, otherwise the node cannot package to generate blocks)
<commissionRate> agent commission ratio with a range from 10 to 100, required
<deposit> deposit to create a node, no less than 20000 NULS, required

Return: agent hash of the node


Example: create a node with a commission rate of 10% and a deposit of 20,000 NULS.

nuls>>> createagent Nse2TpVsJd4gLoj79MAY8NHwEsYuXwtT NsdvAnqc8oEiNiGgcp6pEusfiRFZi4vt 10 20000
Please enter the password.
Enter your password: **********

# Join Consensus (Agent Node)

Join consensus by account address and node agentHash, which requires at least 2,000NULS

  • command: deposit <address> <agentHash> <deposit>
Parameter Description
<address> account address, required
<agentHash> agentHash of the node, optional
<deposit> deposit required to join consensus, no less than 2000NULS, required

Return: the hash of the transaction to join consensus, which is needed to cancel the consensus.



nuls>>> deposit NsdtmV5XkgSdpBXi65ueTsrv2W5beV2T 002006a5b7eb1d32ed6d7d54e24e219b112d4fdb8530db5506ee953b6f65a0fdb55e 5000

# Cancel Consensus (Cancel Agent)

Cancel consensus (agent) according to the account address and the hash of the transaction generated when joining the consensus. When a single account joins consensus on agent nodes multiple times, each agent transaction is independent, so to cancel consensus, the agent can only be canceled by the corresponding transaction hash of the single agent, rather than cancel all the agents at one time.

  • command: withdraw <address> <txHash>
Parameter Description
<address> account address, required
<txHash> hash of the agent transaction, required

Return: transaction hash used to cancel consensus



nuls>>> withdraw NsdtmV5XkgSdpBXi65ueTsrv2W5beV2T 0020d349b7ad322ff958e3abfa799d9ac76341afa6e1fb4d3857353a5adc74ba3fd0

# Stop Agent

Stop the node, all NULS delegated to the node will be refunded, and the deposit of the node creator will be locked for 72 hours.

  • command: stopagent <address>
Parameter Description
<address> account address, required

Return: transaction hash to stop a node



nuls>>> stopagent Nse2TpVsJd4gLoj79MAY8NHwEsYuXwtT
Please enter the password.
Enter your password:**********

# Get Header Information of the Latest Block

Get the latest block header’s information

  • command: getbestblockheader


  "hash" : "0020b446a0244e4e46f8736f1ab56c33616facb836bc8344367f2f048b703f0c8f57",  //block hash
  "preHash" : "0020c0dcf9209f66ee7e7778c817ba7c04d67b5e6a056b42dec7fbfe44eb5f91bdfc",  //previous block hash 
  "merkleHash" : "00200511ced5779c54aa2170b941a1f9a7ae08dfd009b1dfaacc3679d15da9fb9c3e",  //merkle hash
  "time" : "2019-03-19 18:26:20.020",  //packing time
  "height" : 1479, //block height 
  "txCount" : 1,   // number of transactions included in the block 
  "blockSignature" : "00473045022100b1a07f6da3d4ce46cab278967d76875483527e3fc749a460afdf0c375f2ec2ae022053e40e8b4d8bf4e571284e45f18c46c31163ed640a2328f3ba90ac7708808365", //block singnature 
  "size" : 0, //block size 
  "packingAddress" : null,  // packing address
  "roundIndex" : 155299118, 
  "consensusMemberCount" : 100,
  "roundStartTime" : "2019-03-19 18:26:10.010",
  "packingIndexOfRound" : 1, 
  "mainVersion" : 1,
  "blockVersion" : 0,
  "stateRoot" : null


nuls>>> getbestblockheader
  "hash" : "0020b446a0244e4e46f8736f1ab56c33616facb836bc8344367f2f048b703f0c8f57",
  "preHash" : "0020c0dcf9209f66ee7e7778c817ba7c04d67b5e6a056b42dec7fbfe44eb5f91bdfc",
  "merkleHash" : "00200511ced5779c54aa2170b941a1f9a7ae08dfd009b1dfaacc3679d15da9fb9c3e",
  "time" : "2019-03-19 18:26:20.020",
  "height" : 1479,
  "txCount" : 0,
  "blockSignature" : "00473045022100b1a07f6da3d4ce46cab278967d76875483527e3fc749a460afdf0c375f2ec2ae022053e40e8b4d8bf4e571284e45f18c46c31163ed640a2328f3ba90ac7708808365",
  "size" : 0,
  "packingAddress" : null,
  "roundIndex" : 155299118,
  "consensusMemberCount" : 100,
  "roundStartTime" : "2019-03-19 18:26:10.010",
  "packingIndexOfRound" : 1,
  "mainVersion" : 1,
  "blockVersion" : 0,
  "stateRoot" : null

# Query Block Header Information

Query block information with either a block height or a block hash.

  • command: getblock <hash> | <height>
Parameter Description
<hash> block hash
<height> block height


  "hash" : "0020b446a0244e4e46f8736f1ab56c33616facb836bc8344367f2f048b703f0c8f57",  //block hash
  "preHash" : "0020c0dcf9209f66ee7e7778c817ba7c04d67b5e6a056b42dec7fbfe44eb5f91bdfc",  //previous block hash
  "merkleHash" : "00200511ced5779c54aa2170b941a1f9a7ae08dfd009b1dfaacc3679d15da9fb9c3e",  //merkle hash
  "time" : "2019-03-19 18:26:20.020",  //packing time 
  "height" : 1479, //block height 
  "txCount" : 1,   // number of transactions included in the block
  "blockSignature" : "00473045022100b1a07f6da3d4ce46cab278967d76875483527e3fc749a460afdf0c375f2ec2ae022053e40e8b4d8bf4e571284e45f18c46c31163ed640a2328f3ba90ac7708808365", //block signature 
  "size" : 0, //block size 
  "packingAddress" : null,  //packing address 
  "roundIndex" : 155299118, 
  "consensusMemberCount" : 100,
  "roundStartTime" : "2019-03-19 18:26:10.010",
  "packingIndexOfRound" : 1, 
  "mainVersion" : 1,
  "blockVersion" : 0,
  "stateRoot" : null

Example: get block with block height

nuls>>> getblock 28115
  "hash" : "0020b446a0244e4e46f8736f1ab56c33616facb836bc8344367f2f048b703f0c8f57",  //block hash
  "preHash" : "0020c0dcf9209f66ee7e7778c817ba7c04d67b5e6a056b42dec7fbfe44eb5f91bdfc",  //previous block hash
  "merkleHash" : "00200511ced5779c54aa2170b941a1f9a7ae08dfd009b1dfaacc3679d15da9fb9c3e",  //merkle hash
  "time" : "2019-03-19 18:26:20.020",  //packing time 
  "height" : 1479, //block height 
  "txCount" : 1,   // number of transactions included in the block
  "blockSignature" : "00473045022100b1a07f6da3d4ce46cab278967d76875483527e3fc749a460afdf0c375f2ec2ae022053e40e8b4d8bf4e571284e45f18c46c31163ed640a2328f3ba90ac7708808365", //block signature 
  "size" : 0, //block size 
  "packingAddress" : null,  //packing address 
  "roundIndex" : 155299118, 
  "consensusMemberCount" : 100,
  "roundStartTime" : "2019-03-19 18:26:10.010",
  "packingIndexOfRound" : 1, 
  "mainVersion" : 1,
  "blockVersion" : 0,
  "stateRoot" : null

# Create Smart Contracts

This interface is called to create a smart contract on the chain

  • command:createcontract <sender> <gaslimt> <price> <contractCode> [remark]
Parameter Description
<sender> Create the account address for the smart contract
<gaslimt> Consumes of the gas for creating the contract
<price> Unit price, how much Na is each Gas value.Na is the minimum unit for NULS, 1 NULS = 100 million Na, and the minimum unit price of the system is 25Na/Gas
<contractCode> Hex code of the contract code
[remark] remark

Returns the transaction hash for which the contract was created and the address of the contract

  "txHash" : "00205fb44fd0924a57857e71d06ec0549366b5d879b2cbd68488ed88a2dbf96c130f",  //transaction hash
  "contractAddress" : "tNULSeBaN6ofkEqsPJmWVaeMpENTgmC5ifWtz9" //contract address

The example creates a contract (contractCode omits the middle)

nuls>>> createcontract tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD 200000 25 504b03040a........000000800080051020000b31600000000 remarkdemo
The arguments structure: 
[ {
  "type" : "String",
  "name" : "name",
  "required" : true
}, {
  "type" : "String",
  "name" : "symbol",
  "required" : true
}, {
  "type" : "BigInteger",
  "name" : "initialAmount",
  "required" : true
}, {
  "type" : "int",
  "name" : "decimals",
  "required" : true
} ]
Please enter the arguments you want to fill in according to the arguments structure(eg. "a",2,["c",4],"","e" or "'a',2,['c',4],'','e'").
Enter the arguments:"KQB","KQB",10000,2
  "txHash" : "0020ec1d68eaed63e2db8649b0a39f16b7c5af24f86b787233f6ba6d577d7d090587",
  "contractAddress" : "tNULSeBaNBYK9MQcWWbfgFTHj2U4j8KQGDzzuK"

# Get Contract Basic Information

Gets the description of the smart contract and the argument list of the constructor and the calling method

  • command:getcontractinfo <contract address>
Parameter Description
<contract address> contract address




nuls>>> getcontractinfo tNULSeBaMz7vkyhgqLXVdcT75dC5udULVs1D2L
getcontractinfo tNULSeBaMz7vkyhgqLXVdcT75dC5udULVs1D2L
  "createTxHash" : "00203a48dcfc26426152805be49830c72005b4648d0182bbf6c2e8980380364eb59f",
  "address" : "tNULSeBaMz7vkyhgqLXVdcT75dC5udULVs1D2L",
  "creater" : "tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD",
  "createTime" : 1553563706022,
  "blockHeight" : 46,
  "isNrc20" : true,
  "nrc20TokenName" : "QKB",
  "nrc20TokenSymbol" : "QKB",
  "decimals" : 2,
  "totalSupply" : "200000000",
  "status" : "normal",
  "method" : [ {
    "name" : "<init>",
    "desc" : "(String name, String symbol, BigInteger initialAmount, int decimals) return void",
    "args" : [ {
      "type" : "String",
      "name" : "name",
      "required" : true
    }, {
      "type" : "String",
      "name" : "symbol",
      "required" : true
    }, {
      "type" : "BigInteger",
      "name" : "initialAmount",
      "required" : true
    }, {
      "type" : "int",
      "name" : "decimals",
      "required" : true
    } ],
    "returnArg" : "void",
    "view" : false,
    "event" : false,
    "payable" : false
    "name" : "transfer",
    "desc" : "(Address to, BigInteger value) return boolean",
    "args" : [ {
      "type" : "Address",
      "name" : "to",
      "required" : true
    }, {
      "type" : "BigInteger",
      "name" : "value",
      "required" : true
    } ],
    "returnArg" : "boolean",
    "view" : false,
    "event" : false,
    "payable" : false

# Invoke Smart Contracts

Call the functions provided by the smart contract

  • command:callcontract <sender> <gasLimit> <price> <contractAddress> <methodName> <value> [-d methodDesc] [-r remark]
Parameter Description
<senderAddress> The account address invoking the contract
<gasLimit> The maximum amount of Gas that the contract is allowed to consume
<price> Unit price, how much Na is each Gas value.Na is the minimum unit for NULS, 1 NULS = 100 million Na, and the minimum unit price of the system is 25Na/Gas
<contractAddress> The contract address of the call
<methodName> The method name of the contract
<value> If a transfer is to be made to the contract, the amount of the transfer
[-d methodDesc] Use this method to describe the parameter list if there is a method with the same name in the contract
[-r remark] remark

Returns: transaction hash

"0020c9079e0f0454103adceed798d40171c41a8db04586dba966fbe7f2ab722583ad" //transaction hash

The example calls the nrc20-token transfer function for a specified contract, Example tNULSeBaMz7vkyhgqLXVdcT75dC5udULVs1D2L NRC20 contract address, number of input parameters for receiving address and account transfer

nuls>>> callcontract tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD 200000 25 tNULSeBaMz7vkyhgqLXVdcT75dC5udULVs1D2L transfer 0 -r call
callcontract tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD 200000 25 tNULSeBaMz7vkyhgqLXVdcT75dC5udULVs1D2L transfer 0 -r call
Please Enter your account passwordzhoujun172
Please enter the arguments according to the arguments structure(eg. "a",2,["c",4],"","e" or "'a',2,['c',4],'','e'"),
If this method has no arguments(Refer to the command named "getcontractinfo" for the arguments structure of the method.), return directly.
Enter the arguments:"tNULSeBaMvEtDfvZuukDf2mVyfGo3DdiN8KLRG",2

# Delete Smart Contract

Stop an available smart contract

  • commmand:deletecontract <senderAddress> <contractAddress>
Parameter Description
<senderAddress> The account address invoking the contract
<contractAddress> The contract address of the call

Returns: transaction hash

"0020c55e885dd910dad0b2c49f5b71b62691b57884ca21fd47668f1f5cadc84daad6" //交易hash


nuls>>> deletecontract tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD tNULSeBaMz7vkyhgqLXVdcT75dC5udULVs1D2L
deletecontract tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD tNULSeBaMz7vkyhgqLXVdcT75dC5udULVs1D2L
Please enter your account passwordzhoujun172

# Call the Contract View Method

Calling the contract view method immediately returns the result, no transaction is generated

  • commmand:viewcontract <contractAddress> <methodName> [-d methodDesc] --view contract
Parameter Description
<contractAddress> The contract address of the call
<methodName> Method called
[-d methodDesc] Use this method to describe the parameter list if there is a method with the same name in the contract

The return value

The return value varies depending on the function being called

The example calls the nrc20-token contract's query Token balance function to query the Token balance of the specified address

nuls>>> viewcontract tNULSeBaN6pwyVwXjfpm5BMH5eiirvthoZDVEc balanceOf
viewcontract tNULSeBaN6pwyVwXjfpm5BMH5eiirvthoZDVEc balanceOf
Please enter the arguments according to the arguments structure(eg. "a",2,["c",4],"","e" or "'a',2,['c',4],'','e'"),
If this method has no arguments(Refer to the command named "getcontractinfo" for the arguments structure of the method.), return directly.
Enter the arguments:"tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD"
  "result" : "20000000"

# Transfer Asset to the Contract Address

To the specified contract address into the main network currency

  • command:transfertocontract <senderAddress> <contractAddress> <amount> [remark]
Parameter Description
<senderAddress> Transfer out account address
<contractAddress transfer into the contract address
<amount> transfer amount
[remark] remark

Returns: transaction hash


The example transfers two NULS to the specified contract

nuls>>> transfertocontract tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD tNULSeBaN1NRtaj1ZPAmEmTqcpkyCLqv64PR7U 2 remark
Please enter your account password

# Token Transfer

NRC20 token transfer

  • command:tokentransfer <formAddress> <toAddress> <contractAddress> <amount> [remark]
Parameter Description
<fromAddress> sender address
<toAddress receiver address
<contractAddress> contract address
<amount> transfer amount
[remark] remark

Returns: transaction hash


Token transfer example :

nuls>>> tokentransfer tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD  tNULSeBaNBh9RUsVrVmMy8NHcZJ2BhNVsM1Vta  tNULSeBaN6pwyVwXjfpm5BMH5eiirvthoZDVEc 200000 25 10000
Please enter your account password

# Get Contract Transaction

Gets the transaction information of the contract, including the transaction details, the contract invocation parameters, and the contract execution results

  • command:getcontracttx <hash>
Parameter Description
<hash> transaction hash

return value



nuls>>> getcontracttx 00203a48dcfc26426152805be49830c72005b4648d0182bbf6c2e8980380364eb59f
getcontracttx 00203a48dcfc26426152805be49830c72005b4648d0182bbf6c2e8980380364eb59f
  "hash" : "00203a48dcfc26426152805be49830c72005b4648d0182bbf6c2e8980380364eb59f",
  "type" : "100",
  "time" : "2019-03-26 09:28:26",
  "blockHeight" : 46,
  "fee" : 0.0,
  "value" : 0.0,
  "remark" : null,
  "scriptSig" : "210318f683066b45e7a5225779061512e270044cc40a45c924afcf78bb7587758ca0004630440220112a446b2a684510b4016fa97b92d2f3fead03128f0f658c99a6a8d230d05d4e02201e23a2f6e68aacdff2d117bd5bbe7ce2440babfe4211168eafbae41acad5d505",
  "status" : "confirm",
  "confirmCount" : 0,
  "size" : 6686,
  "inputs" : [ {
    "address" : "tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD",
    "assetsChainId" : 2,
    "assetsId" : 1,
    "amount" : "5700000",
    "nonce" : "ffffffff",
    "locked" : 0,
    "value" : 0.0
  } ],
  "outputs" : [ ],
  "txData" : {
    "data" : {
      "sender" : "tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD",
      "contractAddress" : "tNULSeBaMz7vkyhgqLXVdcT75dC5udULVs1D2L",
      "value" : 0.0,
      "hexCode" : "504b03040a0000080...........31600000000",
      "gasLimit" : 200000,
      "price" : "0.00000025",
      "args" : [ [ "QKB" ], [ "QKB" ], [ "2000000" ], [ "2" ] ]
  "contractResult" : {
    "success" : true,
    "errorMessage" : null,
    "contractAddress" : "tNULSeBaMz7vkyhgqLXVdcT75dC5udULVs1D2L",
    "result" : null,
    "gasLimit" : 200000,
    "gasUsed" : 14029,
    "price" : "0.00000025",
    "totalFee" : 0.0,
    "txSizeFee" : 0.0,
    "actualContractFee" : 0.0,
    "refundFee" : 0.0,
    "stateRoot" : "be76399c41a8cb4be5ecf80e04dab36830b124cb1c43fea6ca69ae62259899ba",
    "value" : 0.0,
    "stackTrace" : null,
    "balance" : 0.0,
    "transfers" : [ ],
    "events" : [ "{\"contractAddress\":\"tNULSeBaMz7vkyhgqLXVdcT75dC5udULVs1D2L\",\"blockNumber\":46,\"event\":\"TransferEvent\",\"payload\":{\"from\":null,\"to\":\"tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD\",\"value\":\"200000000\"}}" ],
    "tokenTransfers" : [ {
      "contractAddress" : "tNULSeBaMz7vkyhgqLXVdcT75dC5udULVs1D2L",
      "from" : null,
      "to" : "tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD",
      "value" : "200000000",
      "name" : "QKB",
      "symbol" : "QKB",
      "decimals" : 2
    } ],
    "remark" : "create"

# Get the Contract Execution Result

Gets the execution result of a contract

  • command:getcontractresult <hash>
Parameter Description
<hash> transaction hash

return value



nuls>>> getcontractresult 00203a48dcfc26426152805be49830c72005b4648d0182bbf6c2e8980380364eb59f
  "success" : true,
  "errorMessage" : null,
  "contractAddress" : "tNULSeBaMz7vkyhgqLXVdcT75dC5udULVs1D2L",
  "result" : null,
  "gasLimit" : 200000,
  "gasUsed" : 14029,
  "price" : "0.00000025",
  "totalFee" : 0.0,
  "txSizeFee" : 0.0,
  "actualContractFee" : 0.0,
  "refundFee" : 0.0,
  "stateRoot" : "be76399c41a8cb4be5ecf80e04dab36830b124cb1c43fea6ca69ae62259899ba",
  "value" : 0.0,
  "stackTrace" : null,
  "balance" : 0.0,
  "transfers" : [ ],
  "events" : [ "{\"contractAddress\":\"tNULSeBaMz7vkyhgqLXVdcT75dC5udULVs1D2L\",\"blockNumber\":46,\"event\":\"TransferEvent\",\"payload\":{\"from\":null,\"to\":\"tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD\",\"value\":\"200000000\"}}" ],
  "tokenTransfers" : [ {
    "contractAddress" : "tNULSeBaMz7vkyhgqLXVdcT75dC5udULVs1D2L",
    "from" : null,
    "to" : "tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD",
    "value" : "200000000",
    "name" : "QKB",
    "symbol" : "QKB",
    "decimals" : 2
  } ],
  "remark" : "create"

# Get the Contract Constructor

Gets the list of parameters that need to be passed in to create the specified contract

  • command:getcontractcontructor <contractCode>
Parameter Description
<contractCode> Hex code of the contract code

return value



nuls>>> getcontractcontructor 504b03040a000008000.........20000b31600000000
  "constructor" : {
    "name" : "<init>",
    "desc" : "(String name, String symbol, BigInteger initialAmount, int decimals) return void",
    "args" : [ {
      "type" : "String",
      "name" : "name",
      "required" : true
    }, {
      "type" : "String",
      "name" : "symbol",
      "required" : true
    }, {
      "type" : "BigInteger",
      "name" : "initialAmount",
      "required" : true
    }, {
      "type" : "int",
      "name" : "decimals",
      "required" : true
    } ],
    "returnArg" : "void",
    "view" : false,
    "event" : false,
    "payable" : false
  "isNrc20" : true

# Gets the List of Contracts Created for the Specified Account

Gets the list of contracts created by the specified account address

  • command:getaccountcontracts <createAddress>
Parameter Description
<createAddress> account address

return value

  "contractAddress" : "tNULSeBaMz7vkyhgqLXVdcT75dC5udULVs1D2L",
  "createTime" : "2019-03-26 09:28:26.026",
  "height" : 46,
  "confirmCount" : 402,
  "remarkName" : null,
  "status" : 2,
  "msg" : null,
  "create" : true


nuls>>> getaccountcontracts tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD
[ {
  "contractAddress" : "tNULSeBaMz7vkyhgqLXVdcT75dC5udULVs1D2L",
  "createTime" : "2019-03-26 09:28:26.026",
  "height" : 46,
  "confirmCount" : 402,
  "remarkName" : null,
  "status" : 2,
  "msg" : null,
  "create" : true
}, {
  "contractAddress" : "tNULSeBaMzsHrbMy2VK23RzwjkXS1qo2ycG5Cg",
  "createTime" : "2019-03-25 16:08:25.025",
  "height" : 253,
  "confirmCount" : 195,
  "remarkName" : null,
  "status" : 0,
  "msg" : null,
  "create" : true
}, {
  "contractAddress" : "tNULSeBaNBYK9MQcWWbfgFTHj2U4j8KQGDzzuK",
  "createTime" : "2019-03-25 15:33:54.054",
  "height" : 46,
  "confirmCount" : 402,
  "remarkName" : null,
  "status" : 0,
  "msg" : null,
  "create" : true
} ]

# Query Network Information

Query network basic information

  • command: network info


  "localBestHeight" : 35317,//latest block height locally 
  "netBestHeight" : 35317,//latest block height of the network 
  "timeOffset" : "0ms",//network time offset 
  "inCount" : 0,//number of in-nodes 
  "outCount" : 1//number of out-nodes 


nuls>>> network info
  "localBestHeight" : 35317,
  "netBestHeight" : 35317,
  "timeOffset" : "0ms",
  "inCount" : 0,
  "outCount" : 1

# Query IP's of Network Nodes

Query IP's of network nodes

  • command: network nodes

Return information

[" "]

Example: get a block with the block height

nuls>>> network nodes
[ "" ]

# Register the Parachain in the Main Network

Parachains need to complete registration in the main chain when sending cross-chain transactions, this command needs to run on the main network node

  • command: registercrosschain <address> <chainId> <chainName> <magicNumber> <assetId> <symbol> <assetName> <initNumber> [decimalPlaces] [minAvailableNodeNum] [txConfirmedBlockNum]
Parameter Specification
<address> registered cross-chain fee payment account
<chainId> registered chain id
<chainName> registered chain name
<magicNumber> magic number parameter of the registered running chain
<assetId> registered asset id
<symbol> asset abbreviation e.g. BTC
<assetName> asset name
<initNumber> initiated asset amount
[decimalPlaces] asset decimal places default 8
[minAvailableNodeNum] cross-chain transaction available conditions: minimum number of available nodes, default 5
[txConfirmedBlockNum] the number of confirmed blocks for the registered transaction, default 30


6c29d99c2b02cfc766ef25bee2ea619610a5fce1d778c3038885111f590ae312  #registered transaction hash


Please enter the password.
Enter your password:**********

# Query Parachain Registration Information

Query the registration information of a test on the main network

  • Command: crosschaininfo <chainId>
Parameter Specification
<chainId> registered chain id


  "chainId" : 3,
  "chainName" : "testchain",
  "addressType" : "1",
  "magicNumber" : 123456,
  "minAvailableNodeNum" : 5,
  "txConfirmedBlockNum" : 0,
  "regAddress" : "tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD",
  "regTxHash" : "6c29d99c2b02cfc766ef25bee2ea619610a5fce1d778c3038885111f590ae312",
  "createTime" : 1557739548367,
  "seeds" : "",
  "selfAssetKeyList" : [ "3-10" ],
  "totalAssetKeyList" : [ "3-10" ]

Return chain specification

parameter required type description
chainId true int chain symbol
assetId true int asset id
chainName true string chain name
addressType true int the address type of the account created on the chain: 1 within the ecological 2 non-ecological
magicNumber true string magic number
minAvailableNodeNum true int minimum number of available nodes
txConfirmBlockNum true int transaction confirmation block number
symbol true string asset symbol
assetName true string asset name
initNumber true string asset initial number
decimalPlaces true int minimum asset separable digits
address true string the main network address of created chain
password true string private key password


nuls>>> crosschaininfo 11
  "chainId" : 11,
  "chainName" : "Neth",
  "addressType" : "1",
  "magicNumber" : 20190303,
  "minAvailableNodeNum" : 5,
  "txConfirmedBlockNum" : 0,
  "regAddress" : "tNULSeBaMgDEcAUhPSdF3D3C6mT54HPUt81cQ4",
  "regTxHash" : "7a672b093b274b93bc145dda0e598eddf1f1cf0ccb9aba3e67b3899a5b4ad7a1",
  "createTime" : 1557921296460,
  "seeds" : "",
  "selfAssetKeyList" : [ "11-1" ],
  "totalAssetKeyList" : [ "11-1", "2-1" ]

# Send Cross-Chain Transaction

  • Command: getecrosstx <chainId> <formAddress> <toAddress> <assetChainId> <assetId> <amount> [remark]
Parameter Specification
<chainId> chain id of running transaction
<formAddress> from address
<toAddress> to address
<assetChainId> chain Id of the transfer asset
<assetId> transfer asset id
<amount> transfer amount of assets
<remark> transfer remark

Return :transaction hash



nuls>>> createcrosstx 2 tNULSeBaMnrs6JKrCy6TQdzYJZkMZJDng7QAsD M9busmFhQeu1Efn6rDyeQkFjHxv2dSzkuH8 2 1 1
Please enter the password.
Enter your password:**********

# Query Cross-Chain Transaction Confirmation Status

  • Command:getcrosstxstate <chainId> <txHash>
Parameter Specification
<chainId> currently running chain id
<txHash> transaction hash


Confirmed | Unconfirmed


nuls>>> getcrosstxstate 2 529bb34c0f4760fa55dd98b92d3e913ed2306b7ac1f93c4491007e266bb04ef5

# Exit the Wallet CLI

Exit the command line, it won’t stop the wallet.

  • command: exit


nuls>>> exit

Last Updated: 2/1/2024, 9:56:18 AM